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Delta Dore - EPDs - Home automation, energy management, and security systems.

Delta Dore specializes in home automation, energy management, and security systems, providing smart solutions for residential and commercial buildings.

Home automation, energy management, and security systems.

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EPDs (104)Sorted by date

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Gas, water or heat consumption monitor, 0.28 kg/unit, 6110029-TYWATT 5100 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.62 kg CO2e/unit
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Heating and domestic hot water consumption monitor, 0.427 kg/unit, 6110030-TYWATT 5200 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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8.94 kg CO2e/unit
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Interior temperature monitor, 0.141 kg/unit, 6300045-TYBOX 5101 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.69 kg CO2e/unit
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Remote control for roller shutters, 0.071 kg/unit, 6351440 - TYXIA 2331 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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-0.0475 kg CO2e/unit
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Solar flux monitor, 0.132 kg/unit, 6300046 - TYSENSE SUN (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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-0.0564 kg CO2e/unit
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Remote control device for home automation, 0.037 kg/unit, 6351389 - TYXIA 1410 6351388 - TYXIA 1400 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.621 kg CO2e/unit
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Motor for solar roller shutter, 2.458 kg/unit, 6357030-TYMOOV SOLAR 5Nm 7011729-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR /120 7011721-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR/5 7011730-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR ZF54 /120 7011767-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR ADAPT OCTO60 /115 7011735-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR ADAPT RZF54 /120 6357031-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR 7011732-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR /120 7011722-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR /5 7011733-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR ADAPT ZF54 /120 7011768-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR ADAPT OCTO60 /115 7011739-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR ADAPT RZF54 /120 6357064-TYMOOV 15 SOLAR 7011769-TYMOOV 15 SOLAR /5 7011770-TYMOOV 20 SOLAR /5 6357072-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR STARTERPACK 6357073-TYMOOV 15 SOLAR STARTERPACK 6357035-PANEL SOLAR 7011723-PANEL SOLAR /5 7011736-PANEL SOLAR /40 7011736-PANEL SOLAR /40 7011780-TYMOOV SOLAR PANEL WITHOUT FRAME /40 6357037-TYMOOV SOLAR BAT 10-15Nm/1 7011724-TYMOOV SOLAR BAT 10-15-20 Nm /5 7011737-TYMOOV SOLAR BAT 10-15-20Nm /20 7011725-BAT SOLAR 5Nm /5 7011738-BAT SOLAR 5Nm /20 6357030-TYMOOV SOLAR 5Nm 7011729-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR /120 7011721-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR/5 7011730-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR ZF54 /120 7011767-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR ADAPT OCTO60 /115 7011735-TYMOOV 5 SOLAR ADAPT RZF54 /120 6357031-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR 7011732-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR /120 7011722-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR /5 7011733-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR ADAPT ZF54 /120 7011768-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR ADAPT OCTO60 /115 7011739-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR ADAPT RZF54 /120 3657064-TYMOOV 15 SOLAR 7011769-TYMOOV 15 SOLAR /5 7011770-TYMOOV 20 SOLAR /5 6357072-TYMOOV 10 SOLAR STARTERPACK 6357073-TYMOOV 15 SOLAR STARTERPACK 6357035-PANEL SOLAR 7011723-PANEL SOLAR /5 7011736-PANEL SOLAR /40 7011780-TYMOOV SOLAR PANEL WITHOUT FRAME /40 6357037-TYMOOV SOLAR BAT 10-15Nm/1 7011724-TYMOOV SOLAR BAT 10-15-20 Nm /5 7011737-TYMOOV SOLAR BAT 10-15-20Nm /20 7011725-BAT SOLAR 5Nm /5 7011738-BAT SOLAR 5Nm /20 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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-0.956 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless outdoor temperature sensor, 0.087 kg/unit, 6300048 - TYSENSE THERMO (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.947 kg CO2e/unit
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Tubular motor for exterior rolling closures, 1.931 kg/unit, 7011751-TYMOOV 10FE/5 7011752-TYMOOV 10FE ZF54/120 7011764-TYMOOV 10FE OCTO 60/115 7011781-TYMOOV 10FE OCTO 60/25 7011753-TYMOOV 20FE/5 7011775-TYMOOV 20FE OCTO 60/25 7011754-TYMOOV 20FE ZF54/120 7011765-TYMOOV 20FE OCTO 60/115 7011755-TYMOOV 30FE/5 7011766-TYMOOV 30FE OCTO 60/5 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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15.5 kg CO2e/unit
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Smoke detector, 0.196 kg/unit, 6412313-DFR TYXAL + 6412313-DFR TYXAL + (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.67 kg CO2e/unit
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Programmable thermostat, 0.288 kg/unit, 6053081-TYBOX 2300 6053081-TYBOX 2300 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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12.6 kg CO2e/unit
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Tubular motor for exterior rolling closures, 1.892 kg/unit, 6357050-TYMOOV 10FB 7011756-TYMOOV 10FB/50 6357051-TYMOOV 20FB 7011757-TYMOOV 20FB/50 6357052-TYMOOV 30FB 7011758-TYMOOV 30FB/25 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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11.3 kg CO2e/unit
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Smart device for control and monitor home equipments, 0.292 kg/unit, 6700119-TYDOM HOME UK 6702008-TYWELL HOME (DELTA DORE)


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0 kg CO2e/unit
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Group multifunction remote control, 0.097 kg/unit, 6351403-TYXIA 1700 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.54 kg CO2e/unit
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One channel remote control for roller shutters, 0.103 kg/unit, 6351441-TYXIA 1701, 6351405-TYXIA 1705, TYXIA 1705 TYXIA 1701 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.71 kg CO2e/unit
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Modular dimmer receiver, 0.077 kg/unit, 6351387-TYXIA 4940 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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8.048 kg CO2e/unit
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Receiver unit for roller shutters or lighting, 0.038 kg/unit, TYXIA 2600 Nomenclature produit (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.449 kg CO2e/unit
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Group remote control for lighting and roller shutters, 0.103 kg/unit, 6351442-TYXIA 1716 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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4.35 kg CO2e/unit
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One control channel for lighting and roller shutters, 0.045 kg/unit, 6351402-TYXIA 5730 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.31 kg CO2e/unit
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Roller shutter control receiver, 0.045 kg/unit, 6351412-TYXIA 5731 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.31 kg CO2e/unit
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Lighting control receiver, 0.042 kg/unit, TYXIA 5610 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.12 kg CO2e/unit
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Modular home automation unit, 0.2 kg/unit, TYWELL PRO (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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6.64 kg CO2e/unit
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Programable thermostat, 0.184 kg/unit, TYWELL CONTROL (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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9.96 kg CO2e/unit
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Modular box for bioclimatic management in case of blackout, 0.203 kg/unit, TYWELL PRO (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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6.64 kg CO2e/unit
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Gateway reciever, converts Bus regulation system into wireless system, 0.191 kg/unit, DELTA 8000 RF (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.29 kg CO2e/unit
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Regulator for hot water heating, 0.744 kg/unit, DELTA 8000 BT (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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12.7 kg CO2e/unit
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Bioclimatic manager device, 0.354 kg/unit, TYWELL STARTER (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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16.4 kg CO2e/unit
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Programmable thermostat, 0.392 kg/unit, Tywell 2050 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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12.5 kg CO2e/unit
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Radio receiver for boiler or electric heaters, 0.171 kg/unit, RF 6600 FP RECEPT FR (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.69 kg CO2e/unit
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Radio receiver for electric heaters, 0.175 kg/unit, RF 6700 FP (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.080 kg CO2e/unit
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Radio receiver for boiler or reversible heat pump, 0.136 kg/unit, 6050568 6050567 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.57 kg CO2e/unit
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Programmable thermostat, 0.206 kg/unit, DELTA 8000 TA RF (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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10.0 kg CO2e/unit
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Programmable thermostat, 0.184 kg/unit, TYWELL CONTROL (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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9.96 kg CO2e/unit
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Radio receiver for boiler or reversible heat pump, 0.221 kg/unit, RF 6050+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.62 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless repeater for alarm system, 1.034 kg/unit, 6414119-REP TYXAL+ 6414119-REP TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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10.5 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless transmitter switch for lighting control, 0.079 kg/unit, 6351380-TYXIA 2310 6351379-TYXIA 2330 6351379-TYXIA 2330 6351380-TYXIA 2310 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.36 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless telephone transmitter for alarm system, 1.141 kg/unit, 6414116-TTRTC TYXAL+ 6414123_TTRTC TYXAL+ IT EN DE ESPL NL FR 6414116-TTRTC TYXAL+ 6414123_TTRTC TYXAL+ IT EN DE ESPL NL FR (Delta Dore)

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13.1 kg CO2e/unit
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Home automation hub with GSM telephone transmitter, 1.302 kg/unit, 6414118-TYDOM 2.0 6414125-TYDOM 2.0 IT EN DE ES PLNL FR 6414118-TYDOM 2.0 6414125-TYDOM 2.0 IT EN DE ES PLNL FR (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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23.4 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless repeater, 0.122 kg/unit, 6351372-TYXIA ERX 2000 (Delta Dore)

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2.46 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless telephone transmitter for alarm system, 1.237 kg/unit, 6414117-TTGSM TYXAL+ 6414124-TTGSM TYXAL+ IT EN DE ESPL NL FR 6414124-TTGSM TYXAL+ IT EN DE ESPL NL FR (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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18.2 kg CO2e/unit
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Lighting control and timer, 0.097 kg/unit, 6351372-TYXIA ERX 2000 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.39 kg CO2e/unit
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Smart home devices controler, 0.24 kg/unit, 6700117-TYDOM PRO (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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6.63 kg CO2e/unit
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Smart home devices controler, 0.29 kg/unit, 6700119-TYDOM HOME UK 6700116-TYDOM HOME 6700119-TYDOM HOME UK (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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5.62 kg CO2e/unit
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Lights controller, 0.286 kg/unit, 7410022-MDE 4 ECL DALI LON DL-230-4L-DALI (Delta Dore)

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11.5 kg CO2e/unit
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Blinds controller, 0.327 kg/unit, 7410015-MDE 4 VOLETS 230V EXT DX-310-4S-230V (Delta Dore)

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6.51 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator, 0.242 kg/unit, 6050649-TRV1.0 ADAPT 6050649-6050649-TRV1.0 ADAPT (Delta Dore)

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13.1 kg CO2e/unit
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Blinds controller, 0.344 kg/unit, 7410014-MDE 4 VOLETS 230V LON DL-310-4S-230V (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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7.77 kg CO2e/unit
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Modular consumption sensor, 0.074 kg/unit, 6110040-TYWATT 5500 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.22 kg CO2e/unit
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HVAC regulator with display and key pad, 0.107 kg/unit, 7410003-MDE BOITIER AMB LCD HVAC (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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11.3 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature and humidity meter, 0.098 kg/unit, 7410005-MDE BOITIER AMB SONDE DWM-10-TEMP (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.94 kg CO2e/unit
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Delta Dore

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0.820 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator, 0.177 kg/unit, 6151055-MINOR 12 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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16.7 kg CO2e/unit
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HVAC controller, 0.357 kg/unit, 7410001-MDE REGUL HVAC LON DL-110-SCC 7410001-MDE REGUL HVAC LON DL-110-SCC (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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12.6 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator, 0.133 kg/unit, 6053037- TYBOX 53 6053036-TYBOX 51 6053037- TYBOX 53 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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8.72 kg CO2e/unit
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Lights controller, 0.271 kg/unit, 7410023-MDE 4 ECL DALI EXT DX-230-4L-DALI (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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11.3 kg CO2e/unit
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Presence detector, 0.037 kg/unit, 7410012-MDE MULTICAPT IR+LUM+DP DMS-20-IR-LUX-PR (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.65 kg CO2e/unit
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Clectrical consumption individual home monitors, 0.178 kg/unit, 6110039-TYWATT 5400 6110042-TYWATT 5450 6110043-TYWATT 5600 6110039-TYWATT 5400 6110042-TYWATT 5450 6110043-TYWATT 5600 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.68 kg CO2e/unit
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HVAC controller, 0.334 kg/unit, 7216001-DIP-120REGULATEUR HVACIP D-ONE CONTROLLER (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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20.0 kg CO2e/unit
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Electrical motor for operating roller shutters, 1.797 kg/unit, 7011685 - TYMOOV 10RE2-5 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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10.8 kg CO2e/unit
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Remote control for home equipment (lights, blinds, alarm, heating), 1.3659 kg/unit, TYDOM 2.0 (6414118) (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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15.9 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless telephone transmitter, 1.24 kg/unit, TTGSM TYXAL+ (6414117) (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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15.5 kg CO2e/unit
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Remote control for home equipment (lights, blinds, alarm, heating), 0.287 kg/unit, Tydom 2000 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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5.57 kg CO2e/unit
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Alarm system, 4.51 kg/unit, PACK TYXAL+ SIRENE EXTERIEUR (6410176) (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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52.2 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless telephone transmitter, 1.144 kg/unit, TTRTC TYXAL+ FR (6414116) (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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13 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless repeater, 0.12 kg/unit, TYXIA ERX 2000 (6351372) (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.76 kg CO2e/unit
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Modular receiver for lighting control, 0.0969 kg/unit, Tyxia 4910 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.94 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless repeater for alarm system, 1.037 kg/unit, REP TYXAL+ (6414119) (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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11.2 kg CO2e/unit
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Motor for roller stutters, 1.91 kg/unit, 6357018 - TYMOOV 10F2 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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11.1 kg CO2e/unit
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Intrusion detector, 0.048 kg/unit, 6412305-MDO BL TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.349 kg CO2e/unit
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Alarm system control panel, 0.045 kg/unit, 6413251-TL 2000 TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.555 kg CO2e/unit
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Motor for roller stutters, 1.88 kg/unit, 6357020 - TYMOOV 10RP2 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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9.87 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless power failure detector, 0.079 kg/unit, 6412314-DCS TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.095 kg CO2e/unit
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Alarm system controler, with RFID reader, 0.1656 kg/unit, 6413254_LB 2000 TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.62 kg CO2e/unit
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Programmable thermostat, 0.1921 kg/unit, 6053005_TYBOX 1117 Autres références visées: 6053006 - 6053064 - 6053072 -6053073 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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15.6 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless receiver for controlling boilers or heat pumps and reporting consumption, 0.1913 kg/unit, 6700106_TYPASS ATL Autres références visées: 6700111 - 6700114 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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5.85 kg CO2e/unit
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Electrical energy consumption meter, 0.231 kg/unit, 6110002_TYWATT 30 FR ES Autres références visées: 6110010 - 6110045 - 6110046 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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13.0 kg CO2e/unit
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Universal detector, 0.094 kg/unit, 6412302_DU TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.16 kg CO2e/unit
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Wireless light control reciever, 0.08 kg/unit, 6351376_TYXIA 6610 FR (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.28 kg CO2e/unit
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Intrusion detection system, 0.0713 kg/unit, 6412308 - DOI PVC TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.456 kg CO2e/unit
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Security alarm, 2.1379 kg/unit, 6415221 - SEF TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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16.1 kg CO2e/unit
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Security alarm control unit, 1.5329 kg/unit, 6411120 - CS 8000 TYXAL+ FR Autres références visées: 6411121 - 6411122 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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10.7 kg CO2e/unit
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Security alarm control panel, 0.3313 kg/unit, 6413252 - CLT8000 TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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16.5 kg CO2e/unit
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Security alarm control panel, 0.1603 kg/unit, 6413253 - CLS 8000 TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.12 kg CO2e/unit
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Security alarm control unit, 1.22 kg/unit, 6415220_SI_TYXAL + (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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10.0 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator with touch screen, 0.7136 kg/unit, 6050600 - CALYBOX 2020 WT, Autres références visées: 6050603 - 6050604 - 6050628 - 6110027 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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31.6 kg CO2e/unit
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Intrusion detection system, 0.1078 kg/unit, 6412288_DO BL TYXAL+, Autres références visées: 6412295-6412296 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.898 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator with display, 0.5257 kg/unit, 6050599 - CALYBOX 1020 WT, Autres références visées: 6050602 - 6110026 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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24.6 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator with battery-powered transmitter and receiver, 0.3267 kg/unit, 6050608- TYBOX 5100, Autres références visées: 6050622 - 6050634 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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11.7 kg CO2e/unit
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Motion detector, 0.147 kg/unit, 6412286 - DMB TYXAL+, Autres références visées: 6412311 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.47 kg CO2e/unit
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Lighting controler, 0.0702 kg/unit, 6351418 - TYXIA 4860 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.91 kg CO2e/unit
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Motion detector with camera, 0.2376 kg/unit, 6412287_DMBV TYXAL+ (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.40 kg CO2e/unit
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Temperature regulator, 0.1708 kg/unit, 6050636- TYBOX 5000 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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8.62 kg CO2e/unit
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Solar irradiance meter, 6300046 - SE 2100 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.59 kg CO2e/unit
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Heat pump remote control unit, RF 6500 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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2.036 kg CO2e/unit
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Domestic hot water monitor, 6110028 - TYWATT 5300 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.13 kg CO2e/unit
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Exterior temperature monitor, 6300048 - STE 2000 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.919 kg CO2e/unit
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One channel remote control for roller shutters, TYXIA 1703 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.18 kg CO2e/unit
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Receiver for blinds, awnings & indoor venitian blinds, TYXIA 5731 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.833 kg CO2e/unit
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Multifunction 2 channel X3D battery transmitter, TYXIA 2600 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.444 kg CO2e/unit
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Group remote control for lighting and roller shutters, TYXIA 1700 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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1.17 kg CO2e/unit
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Receiver for roller shutter, TYXIA 5730 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.833 kg CO2e/unit
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Modular dimmer receiver, TYXIA 4940 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.48 kg CO2e/unit
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Group remote control for lighting and roller shutters, TYXIA 1712 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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3.76 kg CO2e/unit
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One channel On/Off lighting receiver, TYXIA 5610 (Delta Dore)

Delta Dore

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0.847 kg CO2e/unit