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Kiilto - EPDs - Adhesives, fireproofing solutions, and hygiene products.

Kiilto is a Finnish manufacturer of chemical products, providing adhesives, fireproofing, and hygiene solutions for the construction and industrial sectors.

Adhesives, fireproofing solutions, and hygiene products.

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EPDs (68)Sorted by date

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Fibre-reinforced pumpable levelling screed, Pro Plan Express (Kiilto AB)

Kiilto AB

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0.138 kg CO2e/kg
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PU-adhesive for marine industry, Kiilto Kestopur PL 12-20 H (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
2.36 kg CO2e/kg
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Gypsum based screed, TM Gipsavjämning (Kiilto AB)

Kiilto AB

sweden country flag
0.132 kg CO2e/kg
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Pumpable leveling screed for thick layers, Plan Therma (T5514) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.153 kg CO2e/kg
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Primers for waterproofing membranes, Kiilto Pro Keraprimer, Kiilto Pro Start Primer (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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1.76 kg CO2e/kg
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Low alkali self-levelling smoothing compound, TopPlan DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.264 kg CO2e/kg
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Levelling screed for floor, 1.6 kg/m2/mm, 1600 kg/m3, Kiilto Tasoflex (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.259 kg CO2e/kg
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Plaster for interior and exterior, 1.4 kg/m2/mm, 1400 kg/m3, Kiilto TT (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.209 kg CO2e/kg
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Plaster for dry and wet areas, Kiilto TM DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.322 kg CO2e/kg
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Cementitious tile adhesive, Kiilto Superfix DF (T2029) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.533 kg CO2e/kg
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Plaster for walls and ceilings, SR DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.357 kg CO2e/kg
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Plaster for levelling walls and ceilings in wet areas, Kiilto SK (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.232 kg CO2e/kg
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Elastic adhesive sealant, Pro XPU (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.78 kg CO2e/kg
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Tile grout for ceramic tiles and clinker, Kiilto Pro Tile grout 40 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.524 kg CO2e/kg
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Low alkali, fast-setting pumpable screed for heavy-duty applications, Pro Plan Fiber, T5507 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
0.140 kg CO2e/kg
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Cementitious tile adhesive for large wall tiles, 2 kg/m2, Kiilto Pro Lightfix (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.642 kg CO2e/kg
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Floor tile grout, Pro Floor Tile grout (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.645 kg CO2e/kg
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Parquet adhesive, Pro Flexsilan, T3425 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.070 kg CO2e/kg
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Special primer for wall and floor surfaces, Kiilto Pro Fix Primer (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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1.58 kg CO2e/kg
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Fibre-reinforced pumpable screed for domestic application, 1.7 kg/m2/mm, 1700 kg/m3, Kiilto Pro Express K (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.136 kg CO2e/kg
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Leveling screed, Pro Easyrapid (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.555 kg CO2e/kg
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Tile grout for walls and floors, Pro Core Tile grout (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.567 kg CO2e/kg
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Binding agent for levelling compound and concrete floors, Kiilto Pro 704 BSP (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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1.87 kg CO2e/kg
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Rapid fibre-reinforced levelling compound, Plan Rapid (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.267 kg CO2e/kg
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Sprayable lightweight smoothing plaster, OT Light (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.267 kg CO2e/kg
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Cementitious fibre-reinforced plaster for dry and wet areas, 1.6 kg/m2/mm, 1600 kg/m3, Kiilto OT (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.642 kg CO2e/kg
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Levelling screed for floors, Kiilto Maxirapid, T2019 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.391 kg CO2e/kg
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Solvent-free sealant, 1.9 kg/l, 2.1 MPa, Kiilto Masa (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.73 kg CO2e/kg
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Parquet adhesive, MS Silex, T2166 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.070 kg CO2e/kg
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Multipurpose flooring adhesive, Kiilto M1000 ECO (T1011), Kiilto Floor Plus (T1012) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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3.46 kg CO2e/kg
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Wall plaster for interior walls and ceilings, Kerapid DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.0909 kg CO2e/kg
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Plaster for interior walls and ceilings in dry areas, LH (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.105 kg CO2e/kg
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Water-proof sealant for floor drains, Keraseal (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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3.38 kg CO2e/kg
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Tile adhesive, Kerapid DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.619 kg CO2e/kg
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Liquid-applied waterproofing membrane for balconies and terraces, Keramix A+X (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
1.26 kg CO2e/kg
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Waterproofing liquid membrane, Kiilto Kerafiber (T1640) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
2.52 kg CO2e/kg
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Two componenet cement based adhesive, KeraSafe Speed A + X (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
1.34 kg CO2e/kg
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Waterproofing liquid membrane, Kiilto KeraPro (T1705) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
2.37 kg CO2e/kg
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Sprayable, wall plaster for rock material wall surfaces, Kiilto KLR (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
0.170 kg CO2e/kg
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Fibre-reinforced wall plaster, KL (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.226 kg CO2e/kg
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Liquid-applied waterproofing membrane, thixotrophic (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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1.88 kg CO2e/kg
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Liquid vapor barrier, K1 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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3.27 kg CO2e/kg
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Light dust-reduced tile adhesive, 1 kg/m2, Kiilto Highflex S2 DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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1.21 kg CO2e/kg
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Fiber-reinforced leveling screed, HardPlan (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.361 kg CO2e/kg
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Tile adhesive, Floorfix DF Rapid (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.653 kg CO2e/kg
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Dust-reduced tile adhesive for wet and dry areas, Floorfix DF adhesive (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
0.524 kg CO2e/kg
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Levelling screed for floor heating, 1.7 kg/m2/mm, 1700 kg/m3, Kiilto Floor Heat DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
0.297 kg CO2e/kg
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Cementitious tile adhesive, Kiilto Flexfix Saneerauslaasti (T3520) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
0.460 kg CO2e/kg
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Liquid-applied waterproofing membrane, Fibergum (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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1.88 kg CO2e/kg
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Wall adhesive, Even (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.923 kg CO2e/kg
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Wallpaper stripper, Easy Remover (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.223 kg CO2e/kg
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Wall adhesive, Durable (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.554 kg CO2e/kg
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Multi-purpose wall adhesive, Kiilto Combi and Kiilto NoWo (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

finland country flag
0.771 kg CO2e/kg
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Fibre reinforced, water-based sealant, Airblock Fiber, T2708 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.14 kg CO2e/kg
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Water-based sealant, Airblock Coat, T2707 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.13 kg CO2e/kg
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Dust-reduced self-levelling smoothing compound, 97 DF (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.385 kg CO2e/kg
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Leveling screed, Kiilto 80 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.311 kg CO2e/kg
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High strength levelling screed for for castings, fillings and slopes, Kiilto 70, T2327 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.214 kg CO2e/kg
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Levelling screed for for castings, fillings and slopes, Kiilto 60 and Kiilto 60 Plus (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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0.257 kg CO2e/kg
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PU-adhesive for wood products, Kestopur G10 (T3961) (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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3.65 kg CO2e/kg
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Fast setting pumpable self-levelling compound, 10-80 mm, 1.85 kg/m2/mm (Kiilto AB)

Kiilto AB

sweden country flag
0.126 kg CO2e/kg
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Water-based vinyl acetate ethylene (VAE) adhesion primer, 1000 kg/m3, Pro PrimerOne (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.030 kg CO2e/kg
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Primers for waterproofing membranes, Kiilto Primer 001 (Kiilto Oy)

Kiilto Oy

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2.11 kg CO2e/kg
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Self levelling screed, fibre-reinforced and pumpable, 5-35 mm, consumption 1.7 kg/m2/mm, TM Industri K (Kiilto)


sweden country flag
0.256 kg CO2e/kg
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Self levelling screed, pumpable, 20-100 mm, consumption 1.85 kg/m2/mm, TM Multi (Kiilto)


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0.178 kg CO2e/kg
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Self levelling screed, fibre-reinforced and pumpable, 5-50 mm, consumption 1.8 kg/m2/mm, TM Kombiflyt (Kiilto)


sweden country flag
0.171 kg CO2e/kg
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Self levelling screed, fibre-reinforced and pumpable, 2-50 mm, consumption 1.75 kg/m2/mm, TM Rotavjämning K (Kiilto)


sweden country flag
0.223 kg CO2e/kg
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Self levelling screed, fibre-reinforced and pumpable, 4-40 mm, consumption 1.75 kg/m2/mm, TM Express K (Kiilto)


sweden country flag
0.163 kg CO2e/kg