Other manufacturers with similar products
EPD: Acrylic matt wall paint, Scandinavian market, 1.4 kg/l, dry/wet film thickness: 42-52/100-125 μm, spreading rate: 8-10 m2/l, LADY Balance (Jotun A/S - Vindal Norway)
LADY Balance gir vakre, matte vegger og godt inneklima. Den har minimal lukt og emisjon under påføring og tørking. LADY Balance brukes til slette vegger innendørs i tørre rom. Til vegger på underlag som bygningsplater/gipsplater, overmalbar tapet, vev, puss, betong og sandsparkel.
Manufacturer legal entity:
Jotun A/S - Vindal Norway
Country of manufacturer:
Product name:
Acrylic matt wall paint, Scandinavian market
Commercial names:
LADY Balance
Material type:
Coatings and pastes
Material subtype:
Paints, coatings and lacquers
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
2.37 kg CO2e/kg
Technical specification:
1.4 kg/l, dry/wet film thickness: 42-52/100-125 μm, spreading rate: 8-10 m²/l
Available units for calculation:
kg, ton, m³, m²
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
EPD program:
EPD Norge
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
IBU PCR Part B for coatings with organic binders
Environmental standard:
Data source:
EPD LADY Balance, Jotun A/S
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: