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EPD: Aluminium, 2700 kg/m3, LEC (Tate)
The product described by this EPD is 1 kg of LEC1 Aluminium as used by Tate in its Data Centre solutions. The products using aluminium are Tate Grid structural ceilings and non-structural containment systems. The lower embodied carbon aluminium is made using renewable electricity – predominantly hydroelectric power. 1 LEC: Lower Embodied Carbon. Tate’s structural ceilings enable to suspend high loads within data centres like electrical and mechanical services. Tate’s range of LEC aluminium based custom-engineered aisle containment products are comprised ceiling supported hot aisle containment systems; including doors, partitions and blanking panels. Each of the different aluminium-based parts composing the ceiling supported containment system are made from the same raw material, their profiles are extruded and treated by the same company following the same processes. The purpose of this EPD is to demonstrate the environmental impact of the aluminium raw material used in Tate products and apply this GWP figure to a number of different designs.