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EPD: Bio-based insulating render (Kerakoll)
The product is manufactured by Kerakoll Ibérica S.A. in the 2 production plants located in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. The product is supplied in 18 kg paper bags. The product is is a thermo-dehumidifying, heat cell-based render, anti-mould and anti-condensation in accordance with EN ISO 13788. It is a rebuilding/restoration and heat-insulation mortar (R – T / CSII). High-energy efficiency. High breathability. Natural product for bio-construction. Biocalce Benessere uses NHL natural lime enhanced with the exclusive Kerakoll geo-binder combined with a salt-protective action against micronised natural pozzolan. All-purpose bio-based insulating plaster for breathable and protective rendering of load-bearing and enclosing walls, for all types of walls: interior and exterior hollow clay block, brick, tufa, stone, concrete, cellular concrete, wood-cement, and mixed-material.