EPD: Curtain wall system with aluminium frame, double glazing 2 x 4 mm, 3.6 m x 7.2 m, Concept Wall® 50 (Reynaers)
This Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is for business to business communication. This EPD refers to the Concept Wall® 50 (CW 50) which is a façade and roof system that offers unlimited design freedom and allows maximum transparency. CW 50 is available in several design and glazing variants, but also includes different technical variants to comply with specified levels of fire-resistance and thermal insulation. The design variants offer solutions for both the exterior and the interior of the building. The representative product is a double-glazed curtain wall of 7.2 m high by 3.6 m wide as sketched in Figure 1.
Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
Product name:
Curtain wall system with aluminium frame
Commercial names:
Concept Wall® 50
Material type:
Material subtype:
Glass facades and glazing
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
73.0 kg CO2e/m²
Technical specification:
double glazing 2 x 4 mm, 3.6 m x 7.2 m
Available units for calculation:
m², kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR for Aluminium Building Products – version of 30 Jan 2013
Environmental standard:
Data source:
EPD Concept Wall® 50 Reynaers
Verification status:
Self declared
Upstream database: