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EPD: EPS insulation boards, 600x1200 mm, 38 mm, 0.57 kg/m2, 15 kg/m3, 80 kN/m2 pressure class 80, Jackopor 80 EPS Denmark (Bewi Insulation Scandinavia)
Product variation and calculation of averages The insulation board is provided in several dimensions and thicknesses. Please use the conversion table below for other sizes than the declared unit. No variation between sites; single production site declared. Product description Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a common material used for thermal insulation of buildings. including floors. walls and ceilings. It is a polymer foam. consisting of air-filled polystyrene cells. As 98% of the material is air. EPS provides good insulating properties at a low weight. Other characteristics of the material include low moisture absorption. long service life and high compressive strength. EPS is manufactured through permeating polystyrene beads with pentane. allowing the beads to expand when exposed to steam. This addition of a so-called blowing agent adds 4% - 6% ww. The expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads are then fed into a block molding machine. where steam and pressure forms large blocks of EPS. The amount of EPS going into the mold determines the densitiy of the block. where pressure class 80 provides a density at 80 kNm2. which is approximately 15 kgm3. After molding. the remaining blowing agent. pentane. is aired out and the blocks are cut into the desired shape. Weight per declared unit is 0.57 kg given a density of 15 kgcubic meter with a thickness of 38 mm.