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EPD: ETICS insulation system with EPS insulation, 14.58 kg/m2 (EPS insulation layer L = 0.031 W/mK, R = 3.20 m2K/W, 100 mm, 15.5 kg/m3), KLIMAEXPERT ETA AIRPLUS SYSTEM (Kerakoll)
Our three thermal insulation systems include products both manufactured in Kerakoll S.p.A. and provided by Kerakoll suppliers. Each of these systems has been studied with two alternative adhesiveandfinishing products. Klima Airplus is an insulation board made of expanded graphite polystyrene sintered steam (EPS) with 0,1 m of thickness. Klima Airtech is an insulation board made of expanded steam sintered polystyrene (EPS) with 0,1 m of thickness. All these panels are supplied on wooden pallet with around panels wrapped with LDPE. They are for energy-efficient ETICS coat application, compliant with EN 13163 (Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made expanded polystyrene (EPS) products – Specification) and specific for KlimaExpert ETA system with European Technical Approval and produced by Kerakoll suppliers.