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EPD: Exterior sheathing board, 12.5 mm, 860 kg/m3, BoardeX (Dalsan)

BoardeX is an exterior sheathing board used in exterior wall, with its reinforced core against humidity and special orange fiberglass mats. It is used as backerboard beneath all kinds of claddings (including metal claddings, PVC, wood sidings and decorative brick claddings). BoardeX is used for all kind of soffit applications. BoardeX is indispensable for interior wet areas. In areas that stipulates the sheathing of exterior façades with noncombustible materials in accordance with the fire regulation in force, it facilitates the design. BoardeX’s dimensions are %100 match with COREX system sizes and they allow to work on 40 cm and 60 cm axes. In the case that exterior walls to be made with BoardeX exterior façade systems, provide upper values for energy performance class of exterior wall. BoardeX is the first exterior sheathing board of Europe and Turkey that contains gypsum following USA.

Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
turkey country flagturkey
Product name:
Exterior sheathing board
Commercial names:
Material type:
Gypsum and plaster
Material subtype:
Regular gypsum board

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
4.27 kg CO2e/m²
Technical specification:
12.5 mm, 860 kg/m³
Available units for calculation:
m², kg, ton, m³
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
EPD program:
International EPD System
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR: 2019:14 Version 1.11, 2021-02-05, Construction Products and CPC 54 Construction Services
Environmental standard:
Data source:
EPD BoardeX 12.5 mm - 15 mm thick Exterior Sheating Board
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: