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EPD: Fibre-reinforced semi-thixotropic mortar for roads and industrial maintainance, Metric Track Black (Kerakoll S.p.A.)
The product is manufactured by Kerakoll S.p.A. in the production plants located in Rubiera (RE - Italy) and is supplied in 25 kg paper bags. Metric Track Black is a class R4 mortar for applications that must be ready for use quickly, such as industrial and airport flooring and pavements and to anchor and fix traps and drains, manholes, fences, sign posts, safety barriers. Main applications are: applications which must be ready for use quickly even at low temperatures, such as repair of industrial and airport flooring, pavements, drains. Specific for road and street furniture works; fastening and structural anchoring of tie-rods, plates, machinery, pre-fabricated structures, road traps, manholes, fences, road signs, protective barriers; preparation of inclined surfaces on concrete elements and floorings; filling of rigid joints. Coverage per cm of thickness: 19 kg / m2 .