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EPD: Fire retardant membrane from HDPE for cold side of building facades, 0.07 kg/m2, Tyvek® FireCurb Soft (Isola AS)

Tyvek® FireCurb Soft is a lightweight, advanced, fire-retardant membrane that selfextinguishes when ignited. It uses a halogen-free flameretardant additives to reduce the formation of droplets and smoke with minimal environmental impact. Tyvek® FireCurb Soft ® takes the airtight and watertight yet vapour-open breather membranes of Tyvek® membranes and adds flame retardancy properties that can significantly increase building safety. Suitable for use in all building types, from bungalows to high-rises. For the placing on the market of the product in the European Union/European Free Trade Association (EU/EFTA) (with the exception of Switzerland) Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 (CPR) applies. The product needs a declaration of performance taking into consideration EN 13859-2: Flexible sheets for water proofing – Part 2: Underlays for walls and the CEmarking. For the application and use the respective national provisions apply.

Manufacturer legal entity:
Isola AS
Country of manufacturer:
luxembourg country flagluxembourg
Product name:
Fire retardant membrane from HDPE for cold side of building facades
Commercial names:
Tyvek® FireCurb Soft
Material type:
Plastics, membranes and roofing
Material subtype:
Plastic membranes

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
0.351 kg CO2e/m²
Technical specification:
0.07 kg/m²
Available units for calculation:
m², kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
EPD program:
EPD Norge
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
NPCR 022:2018 Part B for Roof waterproofing
Environmental standard:
Data source:
EPD Tyvek® FireCurb Soft
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: