Material Image

EPD: Gypsum plasterboard, 12.5 mm, 650-900 kg/m3 (Dalsan)

Gypsum plasterboard is a composite material which is mainly dehydrated gypsum and plasterboard liner facer or fiberglass mat facer. They also include other raw materials such as paraffin, plasticizer, starch, surface protective, accelerators, perlite, foaming agent, adhesive, retarders, fiberglass and recycled plasterboard. Manufacturing starts with the stucco preparation (grinding, calcination and separation) at the plaster plant. After receive of the raw material gypsum mineral (CaSO4.2H2O) to the Dalsan’s plant, it is grinded and heated to remove 75% of combined water, resulting in the formation of stucco (calcium sulphate hemihydrate) (CaSO4.½H2O). After calcination, stucco is mixed with water and other necessary additives. The slurry formed is poured on the bottom paperboard liner. The upper paperboard liner is then pulled by the line to cover the board as a top facer. Once setting completes at the setting belt, it is cut automatically with a knife. The excess water to make liquid slurry is then evaporated by plasterboard dryer to obtain dry boards. At final stage the plasterboard is trimmed and then packaged for delivery. Reference standards applied are TS EN 520 +A1 for all except EN 15283-1 for A1 COREX and BoardeX. Delivery is made with a packaging of average 50 units per pallet.

Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
turkey country flagturkey
Product name:
Gypsum plasterboard
Material type:
Gypsum and plaster
Material subtype:
Regular gypsum board

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
1.98 kg CO2e/m2
Technical specification:
12.5 mm, 650-900 kg/m3
Available units for calculation:
m2, kg, ton, m3
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR Plasterboard, 07/2012
Environmental standard:
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: