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EPD: Gypsum plasterboard, 13 mm, 14.8 kg/m2, FIBRANgyps P (FIBRAN S.p.A. (2023))

Product name: FIBRANgyps plasterboards Standard, Reduced water absorption, Fire Resistant, Super, Higher hardness, Plus, Smart, V, P, Care, H-Care, Super-Care, A1 and A1F. Product identification: Standard (FIBRANgyps A10, A13, A15 and A18); Reduced water absorption (FIBRANgyps H2 and H1); Fire resistant (FIBRANgyps F13 and F15); Super (FIBRANgyps SUPER 13 and 15); ID Higher hardness (FIBRANgyps ID13 and ID15); Plus (FIBRANgyps PLUS); Flex (FIBRANgyps FLEX); Smart (FIBRANgyps Smart); P (FIBRANgyps P); V (FIBRANgyps V13); Care (FIBRANgyps CARE); H-Care (FIBRANgyps H-CARE); Super-Care (FIBRANgyps SUPER CARE); A1 (FIBRANgyps A1) and A1F (FIBRANgyps A1F). Product description: FIBRANgyps plasterboards are produced according to EN 520 Gypsum plasterboards.

Manufacturer legal entity:
FIBRAN S.p.A. (2023)
Country of manufacturer:
italy country flagitaly
Product name:
Gypsum plasterboard
Commercial names:
Material type:
Gypsum and plaster
Material subtype:
Regular gypsum board

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
6.48 kg CO2e/m²
Technical specification:
13 mm, 14.8 kg/m²
Available units for calculation:
m², kg, ton, m³
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
S-P-01142, ver. Feb 2023
EPD program:
International EPD System
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR Construction Products, PCR 2019:14 (EN 15804:A2), version 1.11
Environmental standard:
Data source:
EPD FIBRANgyps plasterboards Standard, Reduced water absorption, Fire Resistant, Super, Higher hardness, plus, flex, smart, V, P, care, hydro-care, super-care, A1, A1F
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: