EPD: Gypsum, synthetic dry, 850kg/m3 (Dolina Nidy)
Dolina Nidy is a manufacturer of gypsum and anhydrite binders for further processing (dry powder products). These binders are based on two types of raw materials: natural, exploit from gypsum quarry, and FGD gypsum. FGD gypsum is a unique synthetic product derived from flue gas desulfurization systems at electric power plants. Both natural and FGD gypsum are inert, non-toxic materials, harmless to human life in their natural state. They have Radiation Hygiene Certificate and in 2010 have been registered in accordance with REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (registration number 01-2119444918-26-0138) Based on these two type of raw materials, as the only in Poland, Dolina Nidy offers gypsum binders, projection or manual gypsum plasters, different type of finishing coat, adhesives to plasterboard and gypsum used in mining. These products based on gypsum are healthy, ecological and human friendly. They create comfortable living environment by humidity regulation and enhance thermal insulation properties. Dolina Nidy is the oldest producer of gypsum products on Polish market and manufactured gips budowlany since 1959. Gips budowlany syntetyczny has been manufactured since 2009. Anhydryt has been manufactured since 2003. It is no commercial product. It is only used as a semi-product forgypsum plasters. Dolina Nidy has implemented an Integrated Management System consisting of three complementary subsystems: - the quality management ISO 9001:2008 (since 2002); (see Appendix no. 10-11) - environmental management ISO 14001:2004 +Cor 1:2009 (since 2004); - the management of occupational health and safety PN-N 18001:2004 (since 2008). (see Appendix no. 12 ) The Integrated Management System Policy defines the principal directions of DOLINA NIDY activities with a view to offering products that are safe and environmentally friendly. This is achieved by professional product development, state-of-the-art production process and meticulous quality control. The System is based on the process approach, this means that all the processes that have an impact on quality have been identified and described and members of the staff have been appointed and authorised to manage these processes. The continuous improvement in the quality of products as well as processes is aimed at winning long-term trust of our Customers and consolidating the positive image of our firm. The assumptions of the Integrated Management System Policy have been communicated to all members of the staff and published in widely available places. Dolina Nidy has implemented and maintains a Quality and Environmental Management Systems fulfils requirements of the following standards: - ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 + Cor1:2009, (Registration number 255019 QM08/UM), - Occupational health and safety Management System PN-N 18001:2004 (Registration number 255019 OH/PL) Scope of certificates: Formula design. production and sale of gypsum binder and dry mix gypsum. Certification body: DQS – PCA accreditation number - AC 087, Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle DZM16074-01-00 Since 2007, Dolina Nidy has implemented the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) which sets additional requirements connected with active involvement of employees, adaptation of undertaken actions to legal regulations, transparency of undertaken actions and obtained results, as well as dialogue with the community. EMAS registration number PL 2.26-001-8.