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EPD: Hot-dip galvanized steel wire for agricultural application (ArcelorMittal Europe)
All Fencing and Agriculture Products are produced with Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire who enjoys a worldwide reputation for its corrosion resistant, Crapo® coatings and Crapal® coatings. Crapal® technology combines zinc, aluminium and, in the case of Crapal®Premium, magnesium to provide a highly protective anti-corrosive coating. Crapo® is Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire with zinc coating, Crapal® (2 or 4) is Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire with a Zinc- Aluminium coating composed of a mix of approx. 95% Zn and 5% Al. Crapal®Optimum / Crapal®Premium is Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire with advanced zinc- aluminium-magnesium alloy. This alloy, composed of a mix of approx. 95% Zn, 5% Al and <1% of Mg, is applied by a continuous hot dip galvanizing process. This chemical composition has been selected to provide an excellent corrosion protection in demanding areas. https://barsandrods.arcelormittal.com/wiresolutions/fencingagribusiness/3972/EN https://barsandrods.arcelormittal.com/repository2/fanny/Trellising-Crapal_EN.pdf https://barsandrods.arcelormittal.com/repository2/EstateWire/Downloads/Estatewire%20Product%20B rochure.pdf This EPD is valid for of various grades and geometries. Delivered product may contain many types of alloys, depending on the intended performance and characteristic of the steel product.