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EPD: Hot-dip galvanized steel wire, 7850 kg/m3, EAF (ArcelorMittal Europe)
ArcelorMittal Bissen&Bettembourg is specialized in the production of Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire EAF-Base for industrial wire applications. ArcelorMittal Industrial Wire enjoys a worldwide reputation for its corrosion resistant Crapo® coatings, Crapal® coatings. Crapal® technology combines zinc, aluminium and, in the case of Crapal®Premium, magnesium to provide a highly protective anti-corrosive coating. Crapo® is Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire EAF-Base with zinc coating, Crapal® (2 or 4) is Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire EAF-Base with a Zinc- Aluminium coating composed of a mix of approx. 95% Zn and 5% Al. Crapal®Optimum / Crapal®Premium is Hot-Dip Coated Steel Wire EAF-Base with advanced zincaluminium- magnesium alloy. This alloy, composed of a mix of approx. 95% Zn, 5% Al and <1% of Mg, is applied by a continuous hot dip galvanizing process. This chemical composition has been selected to provide an excellent corrosion protection in demanding areas.