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EPD: Hot-rolled steel sheet piles, 7850 kg/m3, EcoSheetPile™ Plus (ArcelorMittal)
Steel sheet piles are rolled sections with interlocking joints (continuous throughout the entire length of the piece) on each edge to permit being driven edge-to-edge to form continuous walls for retaining earth or water. More specifically at ArcelorMittal, such steel sheet piles, when produced with 100 % scrap input in an electric arc furnace, are branded EcoSheetPile™. When combined with GoOs (Guarantees of Origin) from renewable sources that provide 100 % coverage for the electricity used to generate the product, the product is referred to as EcoSheetPile™ Plus. Hence, there is no difference in the production process for these 2 product-lines, besides the calculation method for renewable electricity. EcoSheetPile™ Plus is part of ArcelorMittals XCarb® Recycled and renewably produced initiative.