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EPD: Latex paint for interior applications, Excello washable (Sherwin Williams)

Excello Washable is an interior architectural coating manufactured by The Sherwin-Williams Company, headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, or its authorized licensee Sherwin-Williams de Centro America (“SWCAin). Excello Washable is manufactured in a number of Sherwin-Williams facilities and the data used by the LCA were representative of all facilities in which Excello Washable was produced. This coating is designed to cover and protect architectural surfaces such as walls and ceilings.

Manufacturer legal entity:
Sherwin Williams
Country of manufacturer:
USA country flagUSA
Product name:
Latex paint for interior applications
Commercial names:
Excello washable
Material type:
Coatings and pastes
Material subtype:
Paints, coatings and lacquers

Environmental & technical characteristics

Available units for calculation:
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR for Architectural Coatings – 7-18-2015
Environmental standard:
ISO 14040
Data source:
EPD Excello Washable1
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: