Other manufacturers with similar products
EPD: Loose fill cellulose insulation, RSI = 1 m2K/W, 40.5 mm (38 - 43 mm range), 24.31 kg/m3 (20.27-28.35 kg/m3 range) (Advanced Fiber Technology, Applegate Insulation, Can-Cell Industries, Cell-Pak, Cleanfiber, Climatizer, Fiberlite, Igloo Cellulose, International Cellulose Corporation, Mason City Recycling Center, Nu-Wool, Soprema, Thermo-Kool)
Conventional loose-fill cellulose insulation is made from any cellular plant source although it typically comes from waste paper products. It is installed by using an insulation blowing machine. Conventional loose-fill cellulose insulation is typically applied to enclosed areas, unfinished attic floors, and other hard to reach places.
Manufacturer legal entity:
Advanced Fiber Technology, Applegate Insulation, Can-Cell Industries, Cell-Pak, Cleanfiber, Climatizer, Fiberlite, Igloo Cellulose, International Cellulose Corporation, Mason City Recycling Center, Nu-Wool, Soprema, Thermo-Kool
Country of manufacturer:
Product name:
Loose fill cellulose insulation
Material type:
Material subtype:
Organic insulation
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
0.487 kg CO2e/m²
Technical specification:
RSI = 1 m²K/W, 40.5 mm (38 - 43 mm range), 24.31 kg/m³ (20.27-28.35 kg/m³ range)
Available units for calculation:
m², kg, ton, m³
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
UL Building Envelope Thermal Insulation, 04/18 – 02/23
Environmental standard:
ISO 14040
Data source:
EPD Conventional Loose-Fill Cellulose Insulation
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: