Other manufacturers with similar products
EPD: Mineral ceiling tiles, 17 mm, 224 kg/m3, Bioguard (Armstrong World Industries Limited)
Mineral ceiling tiles and planks are factory produced using the wet felt process. They meet the requirements of /DIN 18177/ and are placed on the market in accordance with /EN 13964/ as well as German legislation on hazardous substances. Mineral tiles and planks consist of mineral wool(s), fillers and binders. The Bioguard Acoustic (17mm) combines a cleanable surface and resistance to disinfectants as well as an antimicrobial performance and is available in a range of different edge details; Board, Tegular, and MicroLook. For the placing on the market of the product in the European Union/European Free Trade Association (EU/EFTA) (with the exception of Switzerland) /Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 (CPR)/ applies. The product needs a Declaration of Performance taking into consideration /EN 13964/ Suspended ceilings - Requirements and test methods and the CE marking.