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EPD: Nylon 6,6 carpet tile with open-cell polyurethane backing, 3.05-3.81 mm, 1 x 1 m, 50 x 50 cm, 25 cm x 1 m, 4.29 kg/m2, 0.54 kg/m2 face weight, PrintWorks™ (Milliken)
This EPD represents Millikens WellBac® Comfort Plus Backed Carpet Tile manufactured in the US. The face fiber used in the carpet products covered in this EPD is Nylon 6.6 which is patterned using Millikens PrintWorks™ Technology. Within this product family, there are several collections each of which varies in face weight and the design printed on the face yarn (See this document to determine which collections covered under Millikens EPDs). The product addressed in the body of this EPD is an average product from the running line collections of this family. To account for custom products and new collections, additional results for products in this family with different face weights are presented in Section 8 and embodied carbon values for all possible faceweights are provided in Section 4.3.