EPD: Particle board for raised flooring, double faced with galvanized steel sheets, 600x600x29 mm, 9.25 kg/unit, C4TTL (JVP (2018))
This EPD reports the environmental performance indicators of a family of products: raised access floor panels, consisting of inner particle board core, completely encapsulated in a galvanized sheet steel suitably glued. It’s a cradle to gate EPD in accordance with the requirements of EN 15804, covering A1 - A3 modules as it’s asked in that standard. Results of the Declaration are based on the LCA study conducted for the JVP srl company, regarding the production of the year 2017 for raised floor panels, in the factory located in Piove di Sacco (Padua) Italy. Specific data used in the study are provided by JVP srl, which had an ISO 14001 certified management system. Other data, not directly present in the management system were, when possible, measured; Ecoinvent database (v3.2) voices were used. This EPD presents LCA study details, a description of the product, impact indicators result required by the EN 15804 standard and their brief explanation. The EPD for construction products may not be comparable if not drawn up in accordance with EN 15804 Standard. An EPD on the same product category, but from different programs, may not be comparable.