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EPD: Power cable with copper conductor and PVC insulation, 1.84 kg/m, NYM-J 300/500 5x25 (NKT headquarter Denmark A/S)
Data quality: Specific data for the product composition are provided by the manufacturer. The data represent the production of the declared product and were collected for EPD development in the year of study. Background data is based on EPDs according to EN 15804 and different LCA databases. The data quality of the raw materials in A1 is presented in the table below. Allocation: The allocation is made in accordance with the provisions of EN 15804. Incoming energy and water and waste production in-house is allocated equally among all products through mass allocation. Effects of primary production of recycled materials is allocated to the main product in which the material was used. The recycling process and transportation of the material is allocated to this analysis. Cut-off criteria: All major raw materials and all the essential energy is included. The production processes for raw materials and energy flows with very small amounts (less than 1%) are not included. These cut-off criteria do not apply for hazardous materials and substances.