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EPD: Protective plasters, for indoor and outdoor application, Biocalce Intonaco (Kerakoll (2021))

BIOCALCE® INTONACO and BIOCALCE® INTONACO FINO are protective plasters/renders for highly breathable plasterwork, for interior and exterior hollow clay block, brick, tufa, stone, and mixed-material load-bearing masonry structures and infill masonry, protecting and maintaining masonry over time. They are general purpose rendering/plastering mortars (GP), providing natural ventilation to improve indoor air quality, natural bacteriostatic and fungistatic effect.

Manufacturer legal entity:
Kerakoll (2021)
Country of manufacturer:
italy country flagitaly
Product name:
Protective plasters, for indoor and outdoor application
Commercial names:
Biocalce Intonaco
Material type:
Gypsum and plaster
Material subtype:
Gypsum plaster (interior applications)

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
0.248 kg CO2e/kg
Available units for calculation:
kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
S-P-01642, rev. 2021
EPD program:
International EPD System
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR 2012:01 Construction products and Construction services, ver 2.3
Environmental standard:
Data source:
EPD Biocalce® Intonaco, Biocalce® Intonaco Fino Biocalce® Intonachino Fino, Biocalce® Intonachino Granello Biocalce® Intonachino Tipo 00, Benesserebio®, rev. 2021
Verification status:
Internally verified
Upstream database: