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EPD: Ready mixed joint filling, 1.12 kg/l, 1.0 m2/l, solids weight 57%, solids by volume 51%, grain size max 0.23 mm, Sandplast 696 Fog, Sandplast LB, Sandplast LG, Sandplast LH Extra, Sandplast LGS Pro - Airless&Roll, Sandplast LSR Pro, Sandplast S+, Sandplast S, Filler Perform Airless, Sandplast LW (Flügger Group A/S)
The following products are covered by this Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Flügger Sandplast 696 Fog, Flügger Sandplast LB, Flügger Sandplast LG, Flügger Sandplast LH Extra, Flügger Sandplast LGS Pro (Roll & Airless), Flügger Sandplast LSR Pro, Flügger Sandplast S+, Flügger Sandplast S, Flügger Filler Perform Airless, and Flügger Sandplast LW. The above Flügger Filler Assortment contains ready-mixed, ready-to-use fillers with different properties and technical characteristics. The main characteristic of the above assortment is that the examined products are specially designed spray, roller, and bazooka fillers, which all of them provide premium filling capacity and high tensile strength. In general, fillers come in different color shades. The assessed fillers range among light grey, grey, white, beige, and blue tone shades. In addition, the majority of the fillers are recommended for dry rooms and can be used for smoothing out ceilings and walls.