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EPD: Recycled structural steel section made via EAF route made with reneweable electricity supply, 7850 kg/m3, XCarb® (ArcelorMittal Europe Œ Long Products Œ Sections)
XCarbŽ Recycled and renewably produced structural steel sections and merchant bars in usual structural steel grades for building industry based on a steel production in Electric Arc Furnace with renewable electricity supply with Guarantee of Origins. Scope and type: This is a specific EPD from a single company, ArcelorMittal. The EPD is representative for steel sections produced by ArcelorMittal at production sites in Differdange, Belval, Rodange Luxembourg and Olaberria&Bergara Spain, and sold on the Dutch market. Software and background database For the calculation of the LCA results, the software program SimaPro PRé Consultants, 2021 has been used. Ecoinvent 3.8 is used as LCA background database. PRODUCT STAGE CONSTRUCTION USE STAGE END OF LIFE BENEFITS AND PROCESS STAGE LOADS BEYOND THE STAGE SYSTEM BOUNDARIES x x x x x x x x x x ND ND x x x x x X = Modules Assessed ND = Not Declared P5/14 1.1.00435.2023 XCarb® Recycled and renewably produced structural steel sections and merchant bars LCA process diagram according to EN 15804 7.2.1 Representativeness: The data used in this study are based on the weighted average of the data collected at the factories located in Differdange, Belval, Rodange and Olaberria&Bergara. A variability study is performed in the LCA background report and shows that the weighted average is representative for the four production locations. The variability is lower than 15%, except for particulate matter, where some factories have a significantly lower impact. These can still be included as the EPD describes a more conservative impact. P6/14 1.1.00435.2023 XCarb® Recycled and renewably produced structural steel sections and merchant bars Calculation rules: The following processes are considered below cut-off: Ł Packaging of ancillary materials Ł Environmental impacts caused by the personnel of the production plants are not included in the LCA, e.g. waste from the cafeteria and sanitary installations, accidental pollution caused by human mistakes, or environmental effects caused by commuter traffic. Heating or cooling of the plants in order to ensure a comfortable indoor climate for the personnel for example is also neglected. No processes were excluded for the inventory. The characterization factors from EC-JRC EN 15804+A2 were applied. No additional or deviating characterisation factors were used. Manufacturer specific data have been collected for the year 2021. Company specific data for the production at the factories in Differdange, Belval, Rodange and Olaberria&Bergara have been collected by ArcelorMittal and were provided to Enperas through an excel file. The LCI data has been checked by the EPD verifier Agnes Schuurmans, SGS Intron NV. Enperas uses publicly available generic data for all background processes such as the production of electricity, transportation by means of a specific truck, etc. Primary data is used for modules A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. The rest of the study is based on scenarios modules C1-C4, and module D. The results are based on a weighted average of the data collected at the factories located in Differdange, Belval, Rodange and Olaberria&Bergara. The weighted average has been calculated based on the respective production volumes transported to Belgium 21% from Differdange, 77% from Belval and 3% from Olaberria&Bergara. Rodange is not included in the weighted average, as the production volume is negligible compared to the other sites. P11/14 1.1.00435.2023 XCarb® Recycled and renewably produced structural steel sections and merchant bars Scenarios and additional technical information A4 Œ TRANSPORT TO THE BUILDING SITE The transportation of the steel sections to the installation site is shown below. The scenario describes the distance from the different production plants to Utrecht, as required in the NMD Bepalingsmethode. The percentages from the different plants is based on respective production volume sold in The Netherlands. Euro6 trucks are the usual transport mode in the countries involved in the study. Name Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Fraction 61% of 97% coming from Luxembourg 39% of 97% coming from Luxembourg 1% of 3% coming from Spain 99% of 3% coming from Spain Fuel type and consumption of vehicle or vehicle type used for transport Truck 16-32 ton EURO6 0,254 l diesel / km Electric train Truck 16-32 ton EURO6 0,254 l diesel / km Electric train Distance in km 233 233 1190 1190 Capacity utilisation including empty returns Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Bulk density of transported products Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Volume capacity utilisation factor Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent Default Ecoinvent A5 Œ INSTALLATION IN THE BUILDING The results of this EPD are based on an installation scenario using bolts. It is expected that the results are also representative for the welding scenario. A confined sensitivity analysis based on generic Ecoinvent datarecords expects that 100m of welding still has a similar or even lower impact than using bolts. However, consider that currently very limited information is available on the welding scenario and its environmental impact. The products are implemented by a combination of manual and mechanical processes. For the lifting a diesel-powered lifting crane is considered. The consumption is 6L/h of diesel at a rate of 4500 kg of profile installed per hour. Bolts are used to connect the profiles. The bolts represent on average 1.15% of the mass of the of the finished beams. According to ArcelorMittal, the bolts are generally made from steel produced by the electric electric furnace industry EAF. No packaging waste at the installation site occur, as the product is transported in bulk. 1% installation losses have been considered. No losses from the bolts are expected during the steel fabrication work. This is a valid scenario as the bolts do not break during prescribed steel works. Moreover, the bolts are typically used at the final stage before mounting steel structure, cutting the sections to the appropriate size, so no bolts will be lost together with possible cutting losses. And very often the main part of bolts usage is associated with erection of the structure, and not it™s fabrication. P12/14 1.1.00435.2023 XCarb® Recycled and renewably produced structural steel sections and merchant bars Parts of the installation Quantity Description Processes necessary for the installation of the product 1,16E-01 kWh Electricity to screw bolts Processes necessary for the installation of the product 5,11E+01 MJ Diesel to power lifting crane Fixation materials 11,5 kg Bolts 1,15% of mass product Material losses 1% Packaging NA Bulk B Œ USE STAGE EXCLUDING POTENTIAL SAVINGS B1: No emissions during the use phase. B2: The product does not require maintenance. B3: The product does not require repair. B4: No replacement required. B5: No refurbishment B6: No operational energy use. B7: No operational water use. C Œ END OF LIFE The end-of-life scenario is based on a technical report on life cycle assessment for steel construction drafted by the European commission 2003. C1: Same energy use has been considered as during the installation. C2: 30 km to sorting facility, 50 km from sorting to landfill. C3: 88% recycling, 11% reuse. It is assumed that the end-of-life is reached after the sorting. C4: 1% landfill. Type of vehicle truck/boat/etc. Fuel consumption Distance Capacity utilisation Density Assumptions Truck 16-32 ton EURO6 0,254 l diesel / km 30 km Default Ecoinvent 1750 kg/m3 Transport to sorting facility Truck 16-32 ton EURO6 0,254 l diesel / km 50 km Default Ecoinvent 1751 kg/m3 Transport from sorting facility to landfill D Œ BENEFITS AND LOADS BEYOND THE SYSTEM BOUNDARIES For the steel sections the secondary scrap leaving the product system 880+110*1,15880 kg is lower than the steel scrap used in module A1 1150 kg. Therefore module D includes a net load. P13/14 1.1.00435.2023 XCarb® Recycled and renewably produced structural steel sections and merchant bars Parameter Unit/comments Scenario information Net output flow specified per material -143 kg 880+110*1,15-1150 [1] Avoided production None, because net output flow of scrap is <0 Location of end-of-waste point After sorting of steel Point of functional equivalence Pig iron Other assumptions e.g. description of impacts reported in module D / [1] = 880 kg scrap for recycling, 110 kg reuse. For each kg of reused steel section 1,15 kg scrap is replaced i.e. losses during production of steel sections Declaration of SVHC: The product does not contain materials listed in the fiCandidate list of Substances of Very High Concern for authorizationfl in declarable quantities. More information: http://sections.arcelormittal.com