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EPD: Socket-outlet without shutter, 0.138 kg/unit, 721125, 721225, 721325, 721425 (2P+E socket - screw terminals)721124, 721324, 721424 (2P+E socket with shutters - screw terminals)721511, 721521, 721561, 721591, 721551, 721531, 721541, 721581, 721571, 721601, 721501 (1 gang plate)721512, 721522, 721562, 721592, 721552, 721532, 721542, 721582, 721572, 721602, 721502 (2 gang plate)721513, 721523, 721563, 721593, 721553, 721533, 721543, 721583, 721573, 721603, 721503 (3 gang plate)721514, 721524, 721564, 721594, 721554, 721534, 721544, 721584, 721574, 721604, 721504 (4 gang plate)721515, 721525, 721565, 721595, 721555, 721535, 721545, 721585, 721575, 721605, 721505 (5 gang plate) (LEGRAND)
Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
Product name:
Socket-outlet without shutter
Commercial names:
721125, 721225, 721325, 721425 (2P+E socket - screw terminals)721124, 721324, 721424 (2P+E socket with shutters - screw terminals)721511, 721521, 721561, 721591, 721551, 721531, 721541, 721581, 721571, 721601, 721501 (1 gang plate)721512, 721522, 721562, 721592, 721552, 721532, 721542, 721582, 721572, 721602, 721502 (2 gang plate)721513, 721523, 721563, 721593, 721553, 721533, 721543, 721583, 721573, 721603, 721503 (3 gang plate)721514, 721524, 721564, 721594, 721554, 721534, 721544, 721584, 721574, 721604, 721504 (4 gang plate)721515, 721525, 721565, 721595, 721555, 721535, 721545, 721585, 721575, 721605, 721505 (5 gang plate)
Material type:
Installations and systems
Material subtype:
Electrification components and systems
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
0.492 kg CO2e/unit
Technical specification:
0.138 kg/unit
Available units for calculation:
unit, kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PEP-PCR-ed3-2015 04 02
Environmental standard:
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: