EPD: Sockets with downstream connection, 2.788 kg/unit, 34380 47932 47933 47960 47961 47964 47965 47990 47991 48128 48130 48133 48138 48143 48148 48153 48155 48158 48163 48168 48173 48415 48418 48421 48424 48441 48444 48464 48466 LV847932SP LV847933SP LV847960SP LV847961SP LV847964SP LV847965SP LV847990SP LV847991SP LV848128 LV848130 LV848133 LV848138 LV848143 LV848148 LV848153 LV848155 LV848158 LV848163 LV848168 LV848173 LV848415 LV848418 LV848421SP LV848424SP LV848441 LV848444 LV848464SP LV848466SP P047965 P047990 34380 - 47932 - 47933 - 47960 - 47961 - 47964 - 47965 - 47990 - 47991 - 48128 - 48130 - 48133 - 48138 - 48143 - 48148 - 48153 - 48155 - 48158 - 48163 - 48168 - 48173 - 48415 - 48418 - 48421 - 48424 - 48441 - 48444 - 48464 - 48466 - LV847932SP - LV847933SP - LV847960SP - LV847961SP - LV847964SP - LV847965SP - LV847990SP - LV847991SP - LV848128 - LV848130 - LV848133 - LV848138 - LV848143 - LV848148 - LV848153 - LV848155 - LV848158 - LV848163 - LV848168 - LV848173 - LV848415 - LV848418 - LV848421SP - LV848424SP - LV848441 - LV848444 - LV848464SP - LV848466SP - P047965 - P047990 (SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS)
Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
Product name:
Sockets with downstream connection
Commercial names:
34380 47932 47933 47960 47961 47964 47965 47990 47991 48128 48130 48133 48138 48143 48148 48153 48155 48158 48163 48168 48173 48415 48418 48421 48424 48441 48444 48464 48466 LV847932SP LV847933SP LV847960SP LV847961SP LV847964SP LV847965SP LV847990SP LV847991SP LV848128 LV848130 LV848133 LV848138 LV848143 LV848148 LV848153 LV848155 LV848158 LV848163 LV848168 LV848173 LV848415 LV848418 LV848421SP LV848424SP LV848441 LV848444 LV848464SP LV848466SP P047965 P047990 34380 - 47932 - 47933 - 47960 - 47961 - 47964 - 47965 - 47990 - 47991 - 48128 - 48130 - 48133 - 48138 - 48143 - 48148 - 48153 - 48155 - 48158 - 48163 - 48168 - 48173 - 48415 - 48418 - 48421 - 48424 - 48441 - 48444 - 48464 - 48466 - LV847932SP - LV847933SP - LV847960SP - LV847961SP - LV847964SP - LV847965SP - LV847990SP - LV847991SP - LV848128 - LV848130 - LV848133 - LV848138 - LV848143 - LV848148 - LV848153 - LV848155 - LV848158 - LV848163 - LV848168 - LV848173 - LV848415 - LV848418 - LV848421SP - LV848424SP - LV848441 - LV848444 - LV848464SP - LV848466SP - P047965 - P047990
Material type:
Installations and systems
Material subtype:
Electrification components and systems
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
21.0 kg CO2e/unit
Technical specification:
2.788 kg/unit
Available units for calculation:
unit, kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
SCHN-01224-V01.01-FR, 41075
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PEP-PCR-ed4-EN-2021 09 06
Environmental standard:
Data source:
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: