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EPD: Stainless steel anchor bolts, HST2-R V3 (Hilti AG)
HST2 V3 is a performance concrete wedge expansion anchor used to resist static and seismic structural loads in the construction industry (residential, industrial, infrastructure, etc.). The HST2-R V3 stainless steel is a variant of the HST2 V3 family is described further in this report. For the placing of the product on the market in the European Union European Free Trade Association EUEFTA) (with the exception of Switzerland) Regulation (EU) No. 3052011 (CPR) applies. The product needs a declaration of performance taking into consideration the following European Technical Approval ETA-210480 assessed based on EAD 330232-01-0601 Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete. For the application and use the respective national provisions apply. The Hilti HST2-R V3 anchor is a torque-controlled expansion anchor made of stainless steel which is installed into a drilled hole and anchored by torque-controlled expansion