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EPD: Steel fibers for concrete reinforcement (3D, 4D and 5D), length: 30-62 mm, diameter: 0.55-0.90 mm, Dramix ® (Bekaert S.A.)
Bekaert (www.bekaert.com ) is a global technological and market provider of advanced solutions based on metal transformation and coatings, and manufacturer of drawn steel wire products Dramix® fibers for concrete reinforcement (3D, 4D and covered by this EPD are manufactured in the manufacturing plant, located at Karawang, West Java, Indonesia . Dramix ® is the company brand name of steel fibers for concrete reinforcement. Bekaert produce s fibers in different variants according to the intended application. There are different product variants like g lued or loose fibers Gluing is applied for some of the variants to avoid fiber balling during mixing & to ensure homogeneous distribution of the fibers throughout the concrete mix Figure 1 shows a basic 3D fiber type. Bekaert. Karawang produce s B right (uncoated or brass/bronze fibers with a nominal diameter ranging from 0, 55 mm up to 0,90 mm & with an indicative length ranging from 30 mm up to 60 mm with nominal t ensile strength as mentioned in Tables 1, 2 & 3 Mainly a ccording to the profile , steel fibers are grouped into 3D, 4D and 5D types . Bekaert offers different type s of packaging; the two main types are paper bags on pallet s and big bags on pallets .