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EPD: Steel fibers for concrete reinforcement, length 30-61 mm, dia 0.38-1.25 mm, Dramix ® (N.V. Bekaert S.A.)
Bekaert (www.bekaert.com) is a global technological and market leader in advanced solutions based on metal transformation and coatings, and the worlds largest independent manufacturer of drawn steel wire products. Dramix® fibers for concrete reinforcement (3D, 4D and 5D) covered by this EPD are manufactured in the manufacturing plant, located at Petrovice u Karviné, Czech Republic. Dramix® is the company brand name of steel fibers for concrete reinforcement. Bekaert produces fibers in different variants according to the intended application. There are different product variants like glued or loose fibers. Gluing is applied for some of the variants to avoid fiber balling during mixing & to ensure homogeneous distribution of the fibers throughout the concrete mix. Figure 1 shows a basic fiber type 3D.A specific product technical data is available at Dramix® steel fiber concrete reinforcement solutions Bekaert.com Bekaert Petrovice produce fibers from nominal diameter 0,380 mm up to 1,050 mm & indicative length from 30 mm up to 60 mm with nominal tensile strength as mentioned in Table 1, 2 & 3. Mainly according to the hooks, steel fibres are grouped into 3D, 4D and 5D types. As per the surface coating, steel fibers are grouped into Bright (uncoated or brass/bronze coated) and Galvanized (zinc coated) types. There are also steel fibers made from stainless steel. Bekaert offers different types of packaging; two main types are paper bags on pallets or big bags on pallets