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290 EPDs
41 EPDs
EPD: Stone wool insulation with blast furnace slag, unfaced, L=0.031 W/mK, R=5.678 (Rsi=1 m2K/W), 1.2 in (30.7 mm), 0.25 lb/ft2 (1.23 kg/m2), 40 kg/m3, Thermafiber SAFB™ (Owens Corning)
Thermafiber® Formahyde-Free Mineral Wool Insulation products are comprised of semi-rigid and rigid boards and batts. Mineral wool resists mold, fungi, and is vermin proof due to its being an inorganic material. The R-value of Thermafiber® Mineral Wool Insulation ranges from 3.7 - 4.3 per inch (25.4 mm) of thickness. It is available in multiple thicknesses and densities, with various facings by product type. Reflected by its R-value, mineral wool’s insulating performance is achieved by its densely packed fibers. Its high resistance to heat flow translates into year-round comfort and energy savings.
Manufacturer legal entity:
Owens Corning
Country of manufacturer:
missouri, USA
Product name:
Stone wool insulation with blast furnace slag, unfaced
Commercial names:
Thermafiber SAFB™
Material type:
Material subtype:
Stone wool insulation
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
1.030 kg CO2e/m2
Technical specification:
L=0.031 W/mK, R=5.678 (Rsi=1 m2K/W), 1.2 in (30.7 mm), 0.25 lb/ft2 (1.23 kg/m2), 40 kg/m3
Available units for calculation:
m2, kg, ton, m3
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
EPD program:
UL Environment
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR Part B: Building Envelope Thermal Insulation EPD Requirements, UL 10010-1
Environmental standard:
ISO 14040
Verification status:
Light-density insulation (2.5 lbs/ft3 - 4.3 lbs/ft3)
Upstream database: