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EPD: Thixotropic mortar, Metric R3 Tixo (Kerakoll S.p.A.)
The product is manufactured by Kerakoll S.p.A. in the production plants located in Rubiera (RE - Italy) and is supplied in 25 kg paper bags. Metric R3 Tixo is a class R3 mortar for repairing and consolidating reinforced concrete structures and masonry of any nature when combined with an electro‑welded, metal mesh. Main applications are: repair and structural consolidation of weakened reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete elements of any nature and size; structural repair of prefabricated concrete elements; strengthening of masonry of any nature using reinforced fine grain concrete; reconstruction of concrete covers in reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete structures; smoothing of concrete surfaces and superficial defects. Coverage per cm of thickness: 18 kg / m2