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EPD: Valena Life TM French Standard 2P+E auto terminal single socket outlet, 0.1552 kg/unit, 753180, 753280, 753380 (French standard automatic terminal socket outlet) 753184, 753284, 753384 (French standard screw terminal socket outlet) 7 540 91, 7 541 31, 7 540 41, 7 540 81, 7 540 71, 7 540 01 (1 Gang plate) 7 540 92, 7 541 32, 7 540 42, 7 540 82, 7 540 72, 7 540 02 (2 Gang plate) 7 540 93, 7 541 33, 7 540 43, 7 540 83, 7 540 73, 7 540 03 (3 Gang plate) 7 540 94, 7 541 34, 7 540 44, 7 540 84, 7 540 74, 7 540 04 (4 Gang plate) 7 540 95, 7 541 35, 7 540 45, 7 540 85, 7 540 75, 7 540 05 (5 Gang plate) (LEGRAND)

Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
france country flagfrance
Product name:
Valena Life TM French Standard 2P+E auto terminal single socket outlet
Commercial names:
753180, 753280, 753380 (French standard automatic terminal socket outlet) 753184, 753284, 753384 (French standard screw terminal socket outlet) 7 540 91, 7 541 31, 7 540 41, 7 540 81, 7 540 71, 7 540 01 (1 Gang plate) 7 540 92, 7 541 32, 7 540 42, 7 540 82, 7 540 72, 7 540 02 (2 Gang plate) 7 540 93, 7 541 33, 7 540 43, 7 540 83, 7 540 73, 7 540 03 (3 Gang plate) 7 540 94, 7 541 34, 7 540 44, 7 540 84, 7 540 74, 7 540 04 (4 Gang plate) 7 540 95, 7 541 35, 7 540 45, 7 540 85, 7 540 75, 7 540 05 (5 Gang plate)
Material type:
Installations and systems
Material subtype:
Electrification components and systems

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
0.692 kg CO2e/unit
Technical specification:
0.1552 kg/unit
Available units for calculation:
unit, kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PEP-PCR-ed3-2015 04 02
Environmental standard:
Data source:
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: