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EPD: XPS Insulation board, 33 mm, 300KPa, 0.033 - 0.039 W/mK, 1185x585, Sundolitt (Sunde)
Product description: Sundolitt® XPS insulation material is made from extruded polystyrene that have high compressive strength, very low water absorption, and very good insulating properties. Areas of use for Sundolitt® XPS is insulating and frost protection for buildings and construction, as well as the technical installations. This includes protection against frost for buildings of all kinds, road, railway, sports facilities, etc. The lifetime of the Sundolitt® XPS is long and the properties will be kept intact. The material meets the strict requirements for insulation and comfort, moisture absorption and insulating properties which are set for insulating and frost protection. Sundolitt® XPS is produced at Skedsmo plant by Brødr. Sunde as. Technical data: Sundolitt® XPS is CE-marked according to EN 13164. For technical data, look at www.sundolitt.no/sundolitt/produkter/sundolitt-xpsstandard The table at the bottom of the page specifies scaling factors for products with other thicknesses and other compressive strength values than what is calculated in the base scenario. The scaling factors may be used to calculate input quantities and environmental impacts for other compressive strengths of Sundolitt® XPS. For other thicknesses than 33 mm and other compressive strength values than 300 kPa the thermal resistance will change from 1 m2 K/W. Values for conductivity (associated with resistance) and compressive strength comply with NS-EN 13164 and NS-EN 826, in accordance with CE requirements.