Other manufacturers with similar products
EPD: Graphite polystyrene (GPS) insulation boards, 30.7 mm, R = 1 m2K/W, 14.42 kg/m3, 0.442 kg/m2, F 5200 Plus BMB, F 5300 Plus BMB, Type I (BASF)
For this analysis, Neopor® Plus BMB insulation boards, ASTM C578 Type I, is examined. Type I thermal insulation board has a minimum density of 0.9 pounds per cubic foot with a minimum thermal resistance of 4.7 per inch thickness at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Figure below provides a picture of Neopor® Plus BMB insulation boards. Neopor® Plus BMB insulation boards are graphite polystyrene (GPS) with a polymeric flame retardant in uniform distribution (blowing agent: pentane). The insulation boards are manufactured to customer specification. For this analysis Neopor® F 5300 Plus BMB insulation boards made specifically from the expansion of Neopor® F 5300 Plus BMB (Type I) resin are considered. The same are referred as Neopor® Plus BMB insulation boards and Neopor® Plus BMB Resin in the rest of the document. The following additional Neopor® BMB resins can also be used to make Neopor® BMB insulation boards; however, they are not considered in the core analysis but rather are considered using the extrapolation factors which are presented in section 7.2 to 7.11 of this document - a) Neopor® F 2400 BMB b) Neopor® F 5200 Plus BMB c) Neopor® F 5300 Plus BMB All the Neopor® Plus BMB resin are produced by BASF SE at their Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Neopor® Plus BMB resin is supplied to various manufacturing locations listed above as lens-shaped granules. Manufacturers provide insulation boards at various densities and shapes to the construction industry. Manufacturing locations listed above are verified molders under the BASF Neopor® Brand Marketing Agreement that utilize BASF Neopor® resins in their UL certified end-use products.