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EPD: Highly-pigmented acrylic paint, for wooden surfaces, 1.3 kg/l, Dry film thickness: 40-50 μm, Wet film thickness: 90-100 μm, JOTAPROFF Fasadeakryl (Jotun, plant Norway)
JOTAPROFF Fasadeakryl er en godt pigmentert akrylmaling som benyttes i system med VISIR Oljegrunning. Det deklarerte produktet inneholder filmkonserverende middel mot svertesopp. Det høye pigmentinnholdet beskytter treverket mot sollysets nedbrytende virkning og gir en meget god værbestandighet. JOTAPROFF Fasadeakryl er designet til utvendig bruk på fasadeplater og treverk.
Manufacturer legal entity:
Jotun, plant Norway
Country of manufacturer:
Product name:
Highly-pigmented acrylic paint, for wooden surfaces
Commercial names:
JOTAPROFF Fasadeakryl
Material type:
Coatings and pastes
Material subtype:
Paints, coatings and lacquers
Environmental & technical characteristics
Global warming potential (A1-A3):
2.61 kg CO2e/kg
Technical specification:
1.3 kg/l, Dry film thickness: 40-50 μm, Wet film thickness: 90-100 μm
Available units for calculation:
kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):
Sustainability data background information
EPD number:
EPD program:
EPD Norge
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
IBU PCR Part B for coatings with organic binders
Environmental standard:
Verification status:
Internally verified
Upstream database: