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EPD: Motor for operating roller shutters, 3.4 kg/unit, LT VECTRAN 50/12 CSI 992080E 5148671A;HELIOS 30/12 CSI992247E 5148669A;METEOR 20/12 CSI992320B;HELIOS 30/12 CSI PA992253E 5103289B;HELIOS 30/17 CSI992249E 5148674A;MARINER 40/12 CSI992321B;MARINER 40/12 CSI PA5102458B;LT50 CSI 40/17 G1 CA992248E 5103286B;MARINER 40/17 CSI992322B;VECTRAN 50/12 CSI PA992254E 5103290B;GEMINI 25/17 CSI992245E 5148677A;VECTRAN 50/12 CSI992246E 5103292B;METEOR 20/17 CSI992256E;APOLLO 35/17 CSI5103293B;518A6 18/20 CSI992252E 5103295BJET 10/17 CSI5104943B;JET 8/17 NHK5103288B;538R6 38/14 CSI992255E 5148667AATLAS 15/12 CSI5102455B;LT50 CSI 20/17 G1 CA992318B;ATLAS 15/12 CSI PA5103297B;CERES 8/17 CSI5102459B;LT50 CSI 50/12 G1 CA992319B;METEOR 20/12 CSI PA (SOMFY)

Manufacturer legal entity:
Country of manufacturer:
france country flagfrance
Product name:
Motor for operating roller shutters
Commercial names:
LT VECTRAN 50/12 CSI 992080E 5148671A;HELIOS 30/12 CSI992247E 5148669A;METEOR 20/12 CSI992320B;HELIOS 30/12 CSI PA992253E 5103289B;HELIOS 30/17 CSI992249E 5148674A;MARINER 40/12 CSI992321B;MARINER 40/12 CSI PA5102458B;LT50 CSI 40/17 G1 CA992248E 5103286B;MARINER 40/17 CSI992322B;VECTRAN 50/12 CSI PA992254E 5103290B;GEMINI 25/17 CSI992245E 5148677A;VECTRAN 50/12 CSI992246E 5103292B;METEOR 20/17 CSI992256E;APOLLO 35/17 CSI5103293B;518A6 18/20 CSI992252E 5103295BJET 10/17 CSI5104943B;JET 8/17 NHK5103288B;538R6 38/14 CSI992255E 5148667AATLAS 15/12 CSI5102455B;LT50 CSI 20/17 G1 CA992318B;ATLAS 15/12 CSI PA5103297B;CERES 8/17 CSI5102459B;LT50 CSI 50/12 G1 CA992319B;METEOR 20/12 CSI PA
Material type:
Installations and systems
Material subtype:
Electrification components and systems

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
21.5 kg CO2e/unit
Technical specification:
3.4 kg/unit
Available units for calculation:
unit, kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
SOMF-00086-V01.01-FR, 34669
EPD program:
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PEP-PCR-ed3-FR-2015 04 02
Environmental standard:
Data source:
Verification status:
Third-party verified (as per ISO 14025)
Upstream database: