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EPD: Primer paint for walls, 8 m2/l, 1440 kg/m3, Flügger Wall Primer Pro (Flügger Group AS)

Flügger Wall Primer Pro White, Flügger Wall Primer Pro Base 1, Flügger Wall Primer Pro Base 4, and Flügger Wall Primer Pro Special. The latest product is a specialized light shade formulation based on Base 1. In addition, the product is packaged in a different package size compared to the other products.

Manufacturer legal entity:
Flügger Group AS
Country of manufacturer:
denmark country flagdenmark, OCLEPD
Product name:
Primer paint for walls
Commercial names:
Flügger Wall Primer Pro
Material type:
Coatings and pastes
Material subtype:
Paints, coatings and lacquers

Environmental & technical characteristics

Global warming potential (A1-A3):
1.39 kg CO2e/kg
Technical specification:
8 m²/l, 1440 kg/m³
Available units for calculation:
kg, ton
Unique identifier (OCLID):

Sustainability data background information

EPD number:
EPD program:
EPD Norge
Publication year:
Product category rules (PCR):
PCR 2019:14 Construction products, version 1.11 (05.02.2021)
Environmental standard:
EN15804+A1, EN15804+A2
Data source:
EPD Flügger Wall Primer Pro: Flügger Wall Primer Pro White, Flügger Wall Primer Pro Base 1, Flügger Wall Primer Pro Base 4, Flügger Wall Primer Pro Special
Verification status:
Internally verified
Upstream database: