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EPD: Sliding non insulated system, double glazed, 3 m x 2.18 m, 14.41 kg/m2, SMARTIA M14600 (Alumil S.A)
This Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is for business to business communication. SMARTIA M14600 is ALUMILs brand new sliding system with extremely elegant lines, incorporating all the expertise of ALUMIL Group. It meets the modern architectural trends and the requirements for especially high performances and is the ideal solution for areas with warmer climate. The representative product is a double glazed sliding non insulated system of 2,18 m high by 3 m wide as sketched in Figure 1.The calculated BoM considers 100% of the mass of the profiles located at the border of the representative product. EPD results have been calculated for one representative product, which is detailed in Table 1. There is no integration of operable windows in the representative product